Berkeley Haas Mission Statement

We develop leaders who redefine how we do business.

A fundamental step in doing so is to get the culture right: People who question the status quo, project confidence without attitude, learn as students always, and think beyond themselves. We add the right core, elective, and experiential curriculum to develop leaders who define what's next, for our markets and for our societies.

Video of Haas Program at UC Berkeley

We have long lived by principles that define and differentiate us. These include excellence and inclusion, which are centerpieces for all of UC Berkeley. As part of a world-renowned university, we are inspired and expected to achieve excellence in all that we do. Differences in thought, too, are a Berkeley hallmark—our broad mix of cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives has always led to more creative outcomes.

For the Haas School, there are four principles that, taken together, sharply define us relative to our peers.

Question the Status Quo

We lead by championing bold ideas, taking intelligent risks and accepting sensible failures. This means speaking our minds even when it challenges convention. We thrive at the world's epicenter of innovation.

Confidence Without Attitude

We make decisions based on evidence and analysis, giving us the confidence to act without arrogance. We lead through trust and collaboration.

Students Always

We are a community designed for curiosity and lifelong pursuit of personal and intellectual growth. This is not a place for those who feel they have learned all they need to learn.

Beyond Yourself

We shape our world by leading ethically and responsibly. As stewards of our enterprises, we take the longer view in our decisions and actions. This often means putting larger interests above our own.

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